Brand new sealed Little Treasures Reaction Educational game - designed for ages 3+ ; quickest response of identification, play with preprinted game board, 24 rings and 3 preprinted dices with shapes, colours & animals
- DOUBLE TAKE: The one piece of board game has to be assembled in proper order and placed on the center of the desk
- There are 24 pieces of game rings in various colours- blue, purple, yellow and red, as well as 3 pieces of dice each showing distinctive clues for the players. The game may involve 2-4 players.
- REACTION TIME: Game board could be detached easily with a center piece and four portions that make up a complete circle. The inserting game board pieces have printed colourful patterns according to the clues given on the three dice pieces
- The first dice has 6 different animal illustrations, second dice has shapes of heart, square and round on the sides and the third dice contains background colours of red, yellow and blue.
Reaction Educational Game is a game for 2-4 players. Each player gets 6 rings with specific colour. Start from the youngest player first, rock the three dices together, at the same time. Each dice the player had rocked may have one animal illustration, one shape and one background colour of the shape. Combine them together and form a group of patterns. This pattern can only appear on the well-assembled board for one time. If the player finds the corresponding pattern, he or she needs to put one of the rings on the pattern immediately. Every time the player had found 1 correct pattern or another player finds it first, he or she will get one game ring and if recognized wrong, that person would have to give the ring back as a penalty. At the end of the play, person with most rings will be the winner. The hourglass is optional, could be used for timing- as the sand in the hourglass is completely running out, round gets over. The player with the most number of detective rings will be the winner. This game is educational as well as being great fun and children will benefit from developing excellent balance and coordination skills as they solve puzzles, in a limited time. For younger children, this game is also a fun way in which to identify different colours and shapes. Festively coloured parts and unique patterns add immense fun and creative play to the game. Real, appealing colours and tones attract the little ones extensively, allowing them to indulge in the toy game of fun, pretend play.